February 22, 2025

Drew McIntyre attacks Roman Reigns | WWE Smackdown results 8/19

Roman Reigns made his entrance without Paul Heyman and Usos beside them. Roman Reigns tells he’s not there every week anymore and says every once in a while people will come there and will tell some stupid stuff.

Roman Reigns says if anyone comes out there and say they are the face of the company, if that’s not him, they are lying, Roman tells if anyone comes and tells they are the main event and tells they carry the business on their back, Roman Reigns tells Drew McIntyre that he is lying.

Roman Reigns tells that there’s one man that is the main event and there’s one man that carry the business, tells that’s him. Drew McIntyre comes out and tells Roman Reigns is not representing the title the way it should be represented and says Roman doesn’t deserve to be a champion.

Drew McIntyre tells Roman Reigns got wiseman to take care politically and Usos working for him physically takes out bullies for him and Drew tells when they are together they are the bloodline, tells nobody can take the bloodline and says they are in god mode and tells Roman that he is just a man. Drew tells he sees something different in Roman’s eye when there’s him and he in the ring. Drew tells he sees fear and concern in Roman Reigns eye. Drew tells there’s no man alive in this world that he cannot tear apart in his bare hands.

Roman Reigns goes after Drew McIntyre and McIntyre starts to hit back, Drew was prepared to hit a claymore kick but Sami pushes and takes the hit instead of Roman Reigns, Roman hits a superman punch to Drew McIntyre, Roman Reigns was all prepared to hit the spear but Drew hits claymore kick to Roman Reigns.

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