March 13, 2025

Former WWE Star says Brock Lesnar was a monster, and never lacked confidence

Brock Lesnar is one of the strongest wrestlers in WWE History. He is not only a pro wrestler but also a successful UFC fighter. Some UFC fighters fears to get into ring with Brock Lesnar.

Maven recently was on NotSam Wrestling podcast, where he talked about Brock Lesnar. Maven feels Brock Lesnar was very intimidating, and never lacked confidence.

“You’ve seen like in Pamplona the Running of the Bulls? Imagine if they took one of those bulls, knocked its horns off, stood it up, and took it to walk on its hind legs. That’s what it looked like watching Brock Lesnar walk into a room.

He’s one of those guys that’s just physically intimidating. Batista, as big as he was and as intimidating he was, Brock you at least knew had the chops to go with it. You knew he was a monster. Confidence was not something [Lesnar] lacked at all.” (H/T: WrestlingInc)

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