March 12, 2025

Gunther reflects on WWE Intercontinental Title reign

Gunther was the longest reigning WWE Intercontinental Champion of all time. His title reign was put to end by Sami Zayn at WWE WrestleMania 40. Gunther IC Title reign lasted 666 days.

Gunther recently was on Gorilla Position podcast, where he talked about his IC Title reigns. Gunther says he wasn’t told how long his IC Title reign would last.

 “No, not really. It was week by week or match by match and I never got told I was going to hold it for the longest time ever. I don’t know if that was initially the plan. When I became the Intercontinental Champion, it was still under Vince [Vince McMahon]; it wasn’t under Triple H. He came in a little bit later and took over.”

“The conversation never really happened. I think over time, and how I carried myself as NXT UK Champion before, I think I’m the kind of wrestler that is really made for being a champion, if that makes sense. I’m going to represent it well.” (H/T: EWrestlingNews)

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