September 8, 2024

Big E gives an updates on his neck injury

Big E was an important member in “The New Day”. Couple of weeks ago in Smackdown, during the match Ridge Holland delivered an belly to belly suplex to Big E where he landed on the head, immediately he was taken into the hospital.

He also sent a message to fans from the hospital, thanked all of them for their concern, he confirmed his broken neck. Due to injury Big E did not take part in WrestleMania.

The New Days team mate Xavier gave an update on Big E’s injury in Bart Winkler podcast. Big E broke his neck during the tag team match. he says what happened was unfortunate but happy that nothing worse had happened. He quotes “he’s gonna be okay, in the next couple of months. Very, very lucky for that.”

Big E took twitter on friday to give update on his broken neck.

For those desirous of an update, my C1 apparently isn’t healing optimally. I’ll spend another 4-6 weeks in a brace in hopes that I can avoid a fusion. But don’t you fret I’ve got a tremendous support system & what shall be shall be.

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