July 26, 2024

Bret Hart says Goldberg got Hall Of Fame for hurting wrestling

Bret Hart was recently took part in WrestleFest signing, where he talked about Golberg, Brock Lesnar, Earl Hebner and more.

Bret Hart talked about Goldberg’s Hall of Fame

“I always thought that if Goldberg got in the Hall Of Fame then Horowitz should have got in the Hall Of Fame, because Horowitz he can actually wrestle. Goldberg never could. I think he got in there for hurting everybody he worked with… They should take Goldberg out.”

Bret Hart is not a fan of Goldberg’s wrestling moves. It all started when these two faced each other for WCW Championship in 1999 at Starrcade event. Goldberg during the match hit a brutal thrust kick, which caused a concussion to Bret Hart. He eventually finished the match but that thrust kick changed Bret Hart forever. He was never the same after that.

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