July 24, 2024

Eddie Kingston on CM Punk: “Me and Punk don’t like each other.”

CM Punk is one of the most talked about wrestler in recent times. Many were excited about CM Punk’s AEW career but it turned out completely different than we expected. CM Punk was fired by AEW reportedly due to backstage altercation with Jack Perry.

Eddie Kingston recently was interviewed by Adrian Hernandez, where Eddie reflected on his 11/5/21 Rampage segment with CM Punk. Eddie says he and CM Punk never liked each other.

“No (I don’t feel bad when people bring up my promo on CM Punk from 11/5/21 AEW Rampage). No, I’m doing my job. Then that’s how I felt. I didn’t know what anyone else in the locker room felt. I didn’t care, it’s how I felt, I didn’t want him there. Me and Punk don’t like each other and that’s fine. You’re not gonna like everybody you work with.”

“Do I wish he was still in AEW and I wish it worked out differently? Yeah, because he helped the company. But, other than that, I don’t give a f*ck what he does, you know what I mean? (Kingston laughed) Because me and him never got along anyway. We don’t have to be best friends to fight each other. It makes it better when we’re not best friends, you know, when we have to fight each other. I don’t wish him bad but I don’t wish him good either because I don’t give a f*ck. That’s it.” (H/T: Post Wrestling)

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