July 25, 2024

LA Knight doesn’t like to be compared with Daniel Bryan

LA Knight is one of the top babyface in WWE right now. When ever his music hits, there’s a loud cheer from the fans. LA Knight had to work really hard to be in this position.

Daniel Bryan had a pretty great career in WWE. Bryan’s ‘YES’ moment was a revolution in WWE. Bryan went on to main event WrestleMania and win World Championship. Similarly LA Knight’s “Yeah” moment is getting huge support from fans, it would be interesting to see where “Yeah” moment takes LA Knight to

LA Knight recently gave an interview to Shaq Wrestling, where he commented on fans comparing Bryan’s ‘YES’ moment to his ‘Yeah’ moment.

“Oh boy! You never know. But, you know, that’s why people online started calling it the YEAH Movement. And I’m like, why are we doing that? It’s so close to Yes [Movement], don’t do that. I’d rather call it a revolution because that’s what I feel more like it is. But you know, whatever. At this point, they’ve already done it.” (H/T: EWrestlingNews)

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