July 26, 2024

Mick Foley feels if Sami vs Roman Match is one-off then fans might take it out on Cody

The Bloodline and Sami Zayn storyline has been an emotional ride for fans, Sami is arguably the top baby face in WWE. Cody wrestling with torn-pec made fans love him and wanted Cody to dethrone Roman Reigns, but now fans are alright if Sami Zayn ends up dethroning Roman Reigns.

Mick Foley recently in his Foley is Pod podcast talked about Sami Zayn and how WWE should be careful in handling him.

“Storytelling has been so strong. WWE has to be really careful with, you know, how they treat what they have in Sami Zayn. So, if it’s a one-off, I think fans would be upset and subconsciously take that out of Cody.

“So, I think it’s really important that Sami be treated reverently by the people in charge because that’s, we call him the gift that keeps on giving. We want him to keep on giving. You don’t want this title shot to be like, the peak of his storyline and then soon forgotten.”(H/T: WrestlingInc)

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