October 18, 2024

Roman Reigns retains Undisputed WWE Universal Title | WWE WrestleMania 39

Cody Rhodes and Roman Reigns made their way into the ring. Roman Reigns took mic and said WrestleMania to acknowledge him. Roman Reigns was not in a hurry to wrestle Cody Rhodes, he was taking his time.

Cody Rhodes takes Roman Reigns outside the ring and slams him on the ramp. Cody Rhodes was punching his face, Rhodes sends him inside the ring. Solo hits Cody with a chair while he was returning to the ring, Cody fights back but Solo interferes again, that was enough for Roman to recover and hits a brutal clothesline.

Roman sends him outside the ring and tries to powerbomb on announce table but Cody reverse it into backdrop. Cody hits Cody cutter and Roman rolls out of the ring. Cody Rhodes hits a suicide dive. Solo hits Cody with the belt, referee here’s the sound and sends Solo out of the ringside.

Roman Reigns goes for superman punch but misses and Cody reverses it into a pedigree, fans were cheering him up. Cody goes disaster kick but Roman Reigns hits him with a superman punch. Roman and Cody Rhodes punches each other and Roman Reigns spears him and goes for the pin but Cody kicks out.

Roman Reigns waits Cody Rhodes to stand up and locks him with guillotine, Cody Rhodes finally escapes the guillotine, but mistakenly hits the referee. The Usos hits Cody Rhodes with superkick and hits Usos 1D, then suddenly Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn enters and attacks Usos and hits Stunner and helluva kick to Roman. Cody goes for the pin but Roman kicks out.

Cody Rhodes hits multiple cross rhodes and then Paul Heyman interferes referee but from behind Solo hits a Samoa spike and then Roman Reigns hits spear to win the match.

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