March 29, 2025

WWE NXT Superstar reflects on the advice he got from John Cena

WWE NXT Superstar Lexis King recently was on Insight With Chris Van Vliet podcast, where he talked about AEW, WWE, Brian Pillman, and more.

Lexis King on advice he got from John Cena

“He actually came in and did a seminar with us at the PC. And I thought, Okay, I’ll go and see what’s going on. But man, I’m so glad I went. And it was the most enlightening. It wasn’t just little questions that people would ask, like, Oh, what’s your favourite food? No, we were getting into it; we’re talking about contract negotiations and all this different stuff.”

“I’m so glad I went. Yeah, it was amazing, and the amount of questions that we were able to ask and get answers to. And one of the coolest things he said was that you can’t control the booking; you can’t control who’s wearing what belt or this, that, or the other. He’s like, but you can be the best version of said character.”

“And if you’re the best, like he was the rapper guy, if you’re the best rapper guy on the roster. And creative goes, Oh, we want the rapper guy to take on a huge monster. Then they’re going to pick the best rapper they have, and put them against the best monster character they have, and then go, Oh, what does the match look like?”

“So it’s like, people say I’ll never pitch an idea again; let’s put it that way. He said, ‘There’s no point in pitching anything. Because if you pitch something and they don’t use it. Now, you’re disappointed. Now you’re upset. But if you just want to be the best version of your character.'”

“And then they decide to choose you for these things that they created because they’re the writers; they’re going to come up with the ideas. And it’s like, ‘They don’t want you pitching them stuff. They want to come up with it because it’s their job.'”

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