February 19, 2025

Zach Gowen: Brock Lesnar was mean to me on camera but nice to me off-camera

Brock Lesnar is arguably one of the strongest wrestlers in WWE. He has squashed many wrestlers over the years. Many wrestlers fears to be in the ring with Brock Lesnar.

Former WWE Star Zach Gowen faced Brock Lesnar on 19/08/2003 episode of SmackDown. It was a very brutal match. Brock Lesnar mercilessly ambushed Gowen in front of his mother.

Zach Gowen recently was interviewed by Chris Van Vliet, where he talked about working with Brock Lesnar. Gowen says Brock Lesnar was very sweet to him off-camera.

“He was he was a very mean man to me on camera. And he’s a very sweet man to the off-camera. I love Brock Lesnar so much. He’s the type of dude that I get along with the best just the salt of the Earth shows up, respectful, does a great job. And that’s it. There’s not a whole lot of accoutrements around Brock Lesnar with this too, and genuine. And there’s no like ulterior motives and there’s no like sales many type of hey, I’ll shake your hand here and then stab you in the back later. It’s like what you see is what you get exactly like you said, and those are the type of guys that that I get along with most not only in wrestling, but in real life.” (H/T: Chris Van Vliet)

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