July 25, 2024

Edge on Sheamus: “I knew he was great. But I didn’t know how great.”

Edge on last Friday’s SmackDown wrestled Sheamus. It is believed that it was Edge’s last match in WWE. Edge in an interview told that his match again Sheamus match is his last match in his contract. Edge said his contract is expiring on September.

Edge took Instagram to thank Toronto fans and his Sheamus.

Full circle pints of Guiness. From Dublin to Toronto and 19 years in between. Back now after an amazing trip home to Toronto. What can I say? I’ll take that experience with me to the grave. Toronto you brought it. Speaking of bringing it, @wwesheamus is a beast. As strange as this sounds it was pure joy in there. Just two buds beating the hell out of each other. I knew he was great. But I didn’t know how great. That dude is so insanely talented, spectacular at what he does, and just a damn hard worker. He is the epitome of work ethic. Can’t teach that. Thanks fella. It was an honor.

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