February 5, 2025

Randy Orton sends a heart-warming message to his daughter

Randy Orton is currently suffering from back injury, which is keeping him out of WWE. Randy Orton always cherishes his family.

Randy Orton’s daughter currently is at AAU Girls National Volleyball Championships in Orlando Florida. Randy Orton as a proud father as his daughter is in nationals volleyball. Randy Orton took Instagram to wish her success in National Volleyball Championship and mentions her girl quality and how proud he is of her.

My daughter Alanna (back row, 3rd from right)and her team, @crossfirevbc are at the AAU Girls National Volleyball Championships in Orlando Florida. She’s is a beast on the court. She’s built like me, long and lean, but she blows me away in terms of athleticism when I was a kid. She’s going to be scary on the volleyball court, but will continue to be the most considerate, thoughtful, caring, human being I know. She gets near perfect grades, babysits on her off time, makes sure everyone else is happy before thinking about herself and is a pleasure to be around no matter the circumstances. I couldn’t ask for a kinder, more beautiful teenage daughter to be so incredibly proud of! Alanna, this weekend is yours, I can feel it! But no matter the end result for your team, seeing you grow as a teammate and as a young woman while making all these memories, is just the absolute best thing a father could witness! No matter the result, just make it home safe, so we can enjoy the rest of the summer in the pool! I love you Al and GOOD LUCK!!!

I’d like to thank Alannas Coaches Mike Sanders, Steve Guckes, Ryan Streck and Allison O’brian for getting her and her team ready for Nationals!

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