October 19, 2024

Report: Naomi is “Certainly Returning To WWE”

Naomi was spotted in Japan, there is lot of speculation about Naomi making a appearance at NJPW Wrestle Kingdom 17 alongside Sasha.

Naomi and Sasha Banks were suspended in May, due to walkout of live taping of RAW. WWE has not revealed the contract status Sasha and Naomi, they could have already been released or maybe still in contract with WWE.

Bryan Alvarez on Wrestling Observer Live reported that Naomi certainly returning to WWE.

“They are not going to New Japan, Naomi and Bayley. Of course, there is no official information on Naomi but my impression is she will be returning to WWE. Actually, you can report that my belief is that she will be returning to WWE because she will almost certainly be returning to WWE. I will just say that. Other than that, I don’t know what is going on.”

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