January 10, 2025

Gunther retains IC Title | WWE SmackDown 1/13

Braun Strowman was dominating at the start of the match, Braun tosses him to the outside. Braun delivers Strowman Express which made him fall over the announce table. Gunther fights back by attacking injured shoulder.

Braun Strowman fights back with a brutal clothesline and a back body drop, then Gunther fakes like he his hurt and told referee to look him, on the other side Imperium attacked Braun Strowman but Braun regained control and hit a running powerslam.

Braun Strowman and Gunther started chopping each other and then Braun hits a spinebuster. Gunther fights back by working on Braun’s injured shoulder. Gunther powerbombs Braun Strowman to win the title.

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