February 5, 2025

Matt Riddle on Goldberg: “I’m not a huge fan of his wrestling style.”

Matt Riddle recently was on Insight with Chris Van Vliet podcast, where he talked about WWE, UFC, Randy Orton, Goldberg, and more.

Matt Riddle on Goldberg

“Goldberg, I’ll say this. Me and Goldberg have talked, I’m not gonna say we’ve hashed everything out. Because I’m me, he’s him, and I’m not a huge fan of his work. I’m not a huge fan of his wrestling style. That’s all I’m gonna say. I think he’s great at drawing money. I think he’s great at sports entertaining. I think he’s a awesome action star, I saw him play as Santa Claus in a horror movie. I told him all this.”

“I like a bunch of stuff he does. I’m just not a fan of his work. Now I think, if we wrestled, I would want to do a couple things differently. And I think it could be better. But that’s a whole different can of worms. But at the end of the day, me and Goldberg don’t get along because I talked some trash about his wrestling. He didn’t like it; he took it as disrespectful. And I said it’s not disrespectful because it’s true. And then he didn’t like that and told me how successful he’s been. And I go, ‘you’ll be more successful than I’ll probably ever be in my life. But nobody’s ever going to tune back in to watch, like a classic Goldberg match.'”

“They might watch the spear compilation, Jackhammer compilation, cool. Maybe one or two matches. You’re not going back, like you go back to watch Shawn Michaels versus Bret Hart in the Iron Man match. Or Razor versus Shawn in the first ever ladder match. I could keep continuing; you’re not going to go back like that because he doesn’t have any of those in his arsenal. But he’s still one of the best of all time. And I’m not going to argue that I’d say that to his face. Like I said, when it comes to drawing and making money, which honestly this is what the business is about, he does it probably better. He can still do it better than 90% of the people that do it today.”

If you use any portion of the quotes from this article, please credit “Chris Van Vliet” an h/t to WrestlingManiafan for the transcription.

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